OR-Sen: NRSC says Wyden has lost touch with "Evergreen State". Uh...what?

Carla Axtman


Eugene Weekly blog:

The NRSC apparently disagrees with the premise that Wyden's still got his heart in Oregon. It says in today's press release:
Despite his claims that he is ‘like Oregon,’ it’s clear from Ron Wyden’s record that he has simply lost touch with his constituents during his 14 years in Washington. Senator Wyden is a career politician who has championed a reckless economic agenda that has driven our national debt to a staggering $13 trillion and failed to create jobs as the Evergreen State’s unemployment has skyrocketed to 10.6 percent. Like the rest of his out-of-touch rhetoric, Senator Wyden’s new ad simply doesn’t match reality.
Seeing as that Washington State, our neighbor to the north, is the Evergreen State, and Oregon is the more dubiously named Beaver State, and seeing as that Wyden's a Democrat from Oregon … we're actually ok with him not being in touch with the Evergreen State.

Yeah, I'm guessing the national GOP has pretty much given up on Oregon. Maybe they're too uptight to use the word "beaver".

(h/t: Talking Points Memo

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    But Chris Dudley hasn't. It's his tax evasion home.

    This is what happens when you have people from out of state running your campaigns, when you are from out of state.

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    The interesting thing here is, the NRSC actually missed an opportunity to amp up the attack on Wyden, since he's actually been in Congress for 30 years. There heart just must not be in to it.

    Of course, it's a tall order to paint Wyden as out of touch, since there are few Senators in the country who work harder traveling their state.

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    They may have missed on the evergreen state thing but the rest of it was right on the money. Wyden really is "a career politician who has championed a reckless economic agenda that has driven our national debt to a staggering $13 trillion and failed to create jobs as his own state's unemployment has skyrocketed to 10.6 percent. Like the rest of his out-of-touch rhetoric, Senator Wyden’s new ad simply doesn’t match reality"

    MY biggest problem with the lying Ronocchio Wyden is his track record of voting against oregonians and oregon workers every single chance he gets on the issue of illegal aliens and illegal workers. His grade on immigration issues is an F! h voted for all of the big spending bills that are burying us in debt and when he does show up for a whirlwind tour of the state ...all he does is lie and misrepresent his record. Whats the use of burning all of that gas if all your going to do is lie ? Oh I know ,... get re-elected. We need someone in washington who is going to work for the people in oregon and Wydens voting record on so many important issues just doesn't match what oregonians want or need right now

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