Bill Sizemore goes to jail - Updated with mug shot!
Carla Axtman
Bill fought the law and got the perp walk. Via Amy Ruiz at Blogtown:
Yep, that's Bill Sizemore being hauled off by Multnomah County Deputy Sheriffs, after Judge Janice Wilson read a lengthy opinion finding the initiative king in contempt of a 2003 judgment barring certain campaign activities (like collecting nearly a million bucks for his personal use, in connection with his political activities). Fortunately, Matt Davis was at the courthouse for an unrelated case, so he snapped the pic.
This one's for you, Bill:
Today's Sizemore entertainment comes complete with a mugshot!! Cribbed from the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office.
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Dec 1, '08
This is so great, read my take on it at DKos at:
1:47 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
Woo hoo!
He probably wont stay there long but justice is served, however briefly. And unless the contempt finding is somehow overturned (is that even possible?), he now has a "go to jail free" card that'll be much easier to play in the future if he continues to scoff at the law.
1:56 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
At least he knows how to petition for release...
2:42 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
No way! But this is just until he files some papers, right? It's procedural--contempt of court, not for the actual failure to pay the fines.
Dec 1, '08
Diabetes in progress... if jail doesn't get him, this will.
3:25 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
I'm wondering if he will encounter some folks in jail who have been screwed over by Sizemore's initiatives -- poorly funded educational systems, social services and public safety programs. I hope they get to have some quality time together...I'm sure they'll LOVE to see Bill....
Dec 1, '08
Robbin' people with a six gun..
Dec 1, '08
Property owners! Let's show Sizemore how much we despise him by sending back the money he helped us all steal through Measure 47/50, the property tax limitation measure (limited growth of property tax bills to no more than 3% increase per year). Join me in writing a check to your local school or you can send a check to the county tax assessor's office.
Dec 1, '08
A life of crime has not worn well on ole Bill. He's looking a little big in the belly and long in the tooth. I think he's getting fed a little too much by his master, Mr. Wendt.
4:32 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
Not sure it's a crime, but he's had the lock on initiatives for the past how many years? So, perhaps he'll be busy with this for a while and we can take a break from fighting against his initiatives... or propose some of our own.
Dec 1, '08
The only thing better would be watching Kevin Mannix get one of his own mandatory minimums.
Dec 1, '08
Pretty well fed fellow by the looks of it. Prison food might have a slimming effect on him. One can only hope.
Dec 1, '08
I have to say the man looks decidedly unhealthy and that dye job on his hair is an embarrassment.
Dec 1, '08
That mugshot is a thing of beauty! Long overdue.
6:02 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
C'mon folks. There is so much legitimate fun to be had here. We don't need to go after him because he won't make the cover of Gentlemen's Quarterly this year. Diabetes jokes ? Really? I'll have to tell those to my mother-in-law.
Poor taste aside, it was gratifying to see those pictures.
Dec 1, '08
I'm with Dena here--with all the harm he's inflicted on our state, the main thing people are focusing on is his weight? That is just so wrong, and so lazy. Come on progressives, we can do better.
Personally, this reminds me of when Lon Mabon went to jail for contempt of court in 2002. Bill, you can ask Lon all about the sharp sudden pain of your past deeds coming back to bite you in the ass--he's felt it and now so have you.
Dec 1, '08
We should file an initiative that taxes Bill Sizemore on his weight, and how much extra he is going to cost the healthcare system.
But to be fair, the initiative should only apply to him.
Dec 1, '08
Bill is such a self-serving man. Measure 63 was a prime example. Bill is a realtor. (Supposedly - who would buy a house from him?) 63 proposed that "homeowners" (flippers) could make up to $35,000 of improvements on houses without getting a building permit - or more importantly an inspection! Talk about buyer beware! I see Bill hiring a kid at the corner to rewire a flipper house, slapping up that drywall to hide it, and burning a family alive while he smiles all the way to the bank with the mortgage pay-off on all of those shacks he "improved" then sold to unwary buyers.
He says "I sit and thing up ways to make Oregon better" to earn his "income" from Mr. Parks. What is he, Winnie the Pooh? "Think, think. Think. Think."
Dec 1, '08
Dec 1, '08
KOIN 6 has great video of the handcuffs going on racketeer Bill and then three deputies making him walk the walk.
Alas he'll tell any camera that will listen what a victim he is of those mean union people. I'll bet a hundred bucks (all winnings going to DPO) we haven't heard the last of him.
Good thing Sheriff Skipper cut off internet access at the jail last month. Bill might have written up ten more initiatives while waiting for Wendt and Parks to post his bail!
Dec 1, '08
And some men say there is no God.
Dec 1, '08
Thanks, Joe Hill!
To: DUST1 | Dec 1, 2008 4:26:35 PM Perhaps you hadn't noticed the number of young legislators elected in the last 2 sessions. Anyone born the year Measure 5 passed was old enough to vote this year. People who were in public school in the 1990s saw the effects of 5, 47/50 first hand. Could there be a connection between those facts and the number of young legislators? If a young couple moves/gets transfered to Oregon and doesn't understand Measure 5 (which has a different impact on property which has changed hands several times since 190 than the houses in my neighborhood which have had the same owners for 30 years), I wonder if DUST1 would like to explain that part of Measure 5 to them.
Sizemore wanted to make this between him and the teachers unions, and any parent who complained about lack of school funding was (in his words shown on TV once) "a dupe of the teachers union".
Bill never was very good at being polite to others or answering specific questions. To those of us who worked in jobs (retail, product demonstration, customer service, etc) where our continued employment depended on being courteous to all customers and answering every question--no matter how stupid--talked about him at work sometimes. Comments like "he wouldn't last a day in this job". Anyone who has experienced standing on a cement sales floor for a full shift knows someone as out of shape as Sizemore looks in the pictures wouldn't last a day in such an environment. And of course, most such jobs pay $10 per hour or less, certainly not a 6 figure income like the "nonprofit" has paid Sizemore.
The ultimate punishment would be some sort of community service plus paying off his court settlement. Or better yet, making him a product demonstrator or some similar job requiring courtesy and responsive answers to questions so that he would experience (as such workers have said) "real work in the real world".
9:43 p.m.
Dec 1, '08
"If a young couple moves/gets transfered to Oregon and doesn't understand Measure 5 (which has a different impact on property which has changed hands several times since 190 than the houses in my neighborhood which have had the same owners for 30 years),..."
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Measure 5 made property taxes "rate based" instead of "levy based" as before. That tied the property tax to the Real Market Value assessment which did not require a sale in order to adjust, although sales and comparable sales figure in the calculation.
Measures 47/50 capped the rate of increase, but included no provision for resetting the rate after a sale (as California's law does). As property values have increased in different neighborhoods differently, significant disparities have developed in the actual rate of taxation as compared to Real Market Value. Because of Measures 47/50, we pay wildly different rates based on the market history of our neighborhoods. Except for new construction, relative tax rates are frozen in time.
Why this is not a violation of "equal privileges and immunities, I have no idea.
Dec 1, '08
I really don't like thieves and I don't like liars and right now I feel pretty good.
12:51 a.m.
Dec 2, '08
From Dust: "Join me in writing a check to your local school or you can send a check to the county tax assessor's office."
One has to wonder how this person has been so sheltered. I send a check for $650 to the Washington County tax assessor each and every month. It's like taking a handfull of hundreds and throwing it into a fire every month.
Dec 2, '08
Even with New Construction, that's not assessed at full market value. It's assessed at the average percentage between full market value, and assessed value in the neighborhood.
Dec 3, '08